Tisdag 5/4

Idag har åk 6 gjort nationella prov i engelska. Dagens prov testade deras läs och hörförståelse. På torsdag gör de delprovet skriv.

6 D har börjat lyssna på Radioteaterns dramaserie En sekund i taget. Vi lyssnade på två av nio avsnitt idag.

Onsdag 9/2


Episode 4
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Se avsnitt 4 Episode 4 – The Pickle Princess

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B. Answer the questions

Holly knows that Robbie was the one who let Walter the Bull out and therefore is
responsible for destroying the cucumber. But if she tells the truth it might destroy her
chances of winning the Pickle Princess pageant.

  1. Have you ever had a secret or kept the truth from somebody?
  2. Did you finally tell the truth?
  3. Why? Why not?
